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Emerging Technologies for Food processing.Da-Wen Sun 2005

Emerging Technologies for Food Processing presents a comprehensive review of
innovations in food processing, stresses topics vital to the food industry today and
pinpoints the trends in future research and development. This volume contains 28
chapters and is divided into six parts. The first three parts cover latest advances in
non-thermal processing including high pressure, pulsed electric fields, radio-
frequency, high intensity pulsed light, ultrasound, irradiation and new hurdle technol-ogy, with emphasis particularly on high pressure and pulsed electric fields as extensive
research has been carried out in these two areas in recent years. The fourth part pro-vides alternative technologies and strategies for thermal processing; topics discussed
include recent developments in microwave, ohmic, dielectric heating, dehydration
using combined microwave vacuum techniques, new hybrid drying technologies and
nuclear magnetic resonance technology. The latest developments in food refrigeration
are discussed in part five, addressing innovative applications of vacuum cooling for
rapid cooling of foods, acceleration of freezing process using high pressure and ultra-sound and freezing with antifreeze protein and ice nucleation. The book concludes
with current topics in minimal processing of vegetables, fruits, juices and cook-chill
ready meals and modified atmosphere packaging for minimally processed foods.
In this volume, each chapter is written by an international expert (or experts), pre-senting thorough research results and critical reviews of one aspect of the relevant
issues and including a comprehensive list of recently published literature. It should,
therefore, provide valuable sources of information for further research and develop-ments for the food processing industry.
This volume is written for food engineers and technologists in the food industry. It
will also serve as an essential and comprehensive reference source to undergraduate
and postgraduate students and researchers in universities and research institutions.

 [ Still not rated ]
This download was added 07 мар 2012, 19:24 by nikokos and last edited 29 мар 2012, 13:01 by Познышев Вадим • Last download 29 мар 2012, 12:59

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